Tuesday, November 10, 2009

V for Vendetta Movie Review

"Symbols are given power by people." V said. "A symbol, in and of itself is powerless, but with enough people behind it, blowing up a building can change the world." This quote by V was very important to the whole movie, because he was trying to give symbols power throughout the whole movie but never had enough people to make them powerful until the end. I rated this movie 2.5 out of 5 stars. I didn't particularly like this movie because I was completely lost the whole time and I couldn't seem to get involved in the movie. Another reason I didn't like it is because the genre was action/adventure and there are very few films of the genre that I enjoy watching. I thought the production and the acting were very well done though. I think that Natalie Portman did a fantastic job playing Evy. Not every women can pull off the bald look and Portman really embrassed the character.

Even though I didn't enjoy watching this film, i would recommend it to anyone. The story line is very creative and the director is very intelligent for tying in the roman numeral V to most everything in the movie. I felt it was unrealistic, though, that V could just walk around and the government being so uptight never had records of his existance. It was also frustrating to me to find out at the end that top government officials had secret deals with V all along. I guess even the people running the country were fed up with the way the government ran, just like the residents.

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