Monday, October 12, 2009

Psycho Movie Review

The original film version of Psycho, filmed in 1960, is filled with many surprises and a twisted ending you will never guess. I gave the movie Psycho 3.5 out of 5 stars. I really liked this movie because it wasn't as predictable as scary movies nowadays and it really had a good plot that made me think. What also made it scarier was that it was based on a true story. Anthony Perkins did an amazing acting job in this movie playing the role of Norman Bates. I also found it very interesting how all the horror films now have scenes based off of this movie.

The beginning of the film started off pretty steamy and contraversial for the time period. This is a very important part of the movie because it shows why Marion made some choices she made. After Marion stole the $40,000, the police following her really put suspense in the film. When she arrived at the Bates Motel I really felt like Norman was a good guy and I started to like him. The shower scene, I think, was very basic but set the standards for other horror films. When Norman's mom killed Marion and the investigator, I started to feel bad for Norman cause i felt like he had to clean up after his mother's killing sprees quiet a bit. What really shocked me was the ending. I would never have guessed it in a million years and I loved it.

Alfred Hitchcock really started the trend for scary movies. I also believe that without the making of Pyscho, scary movies today would be alot different. In the beginning of the movie Norman says to Marion, "A boys best friend is his mother." I believe that this is very ironic to the end of the movie and shows a little bit of foreshadowing perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Nice job with personal voice and writing style. I suggest a few more details and paragraphs for a "great". Nice conclusion.
