Monday, September 28, 2009

Citizen Kane Movie Review

"Rosebud", was the last word out of Kane's (Orson Welles) mouth, before he past away. What did Kane mean by "Rosebud"? Was it a wife or maybe a childhood pet? During the movie that's what they were trying to figure out. I rated this movie 4 out of 5 stars. The camera angles in Citizen Kane are very random and I found them quite interesting. I felt that there was a lot of symbolism in a lot of the props, especially at the end of the movie. The sounds and music were really intense and really captured the mood of each scene. This movie made me go into to deep thought about why Kane was acting certain ways he did.

Citizen Kane starts out in flashback, with a man in a bed who whispers "Rosebud" right before he dies and drops a snow globe. It then goes to present day where Kane's closest friends and colleagues are questioned about what "Rosebud" really means.

The movie then goes to Kane's childhood at a not very nice house in the middle of winter. There is a little boy sledding, Charles Kane, and his mother is signing papers to sell Charles to some rich man. Kane grows up with the rich man being pampered with money and a very good education, while Kane's original parents receive money every year. When Kane grows up he runs a newspaper company that is not very successful, but Kane lives off his fake dads money. He then decides to make his newspaper successful and hires a new staff. Kane's wife Emily divorces him because she knows that he had an affair. His former wife and kid then die in a crash. Kane then married the woman he had the affair with, a former singer, named Susan Alexander(Dorothy Comingore) . Kane builds an Opera house for Susan and becomes very controlling and makes her sing. Susan then leaves him.

He becomes very aggressive and in one scene he tears apart a room and stops when he discovers a snow globe. It was the same one that dropped from his hand when he died. During his life he built this huge house that was bigger than anything ever imagined. He had a very large amount of statues and art. When people were cleaning out the house to sell the the items of worth, they came across something that would have explained what they were looking for, but never realized it and it ended up in a fire.

I think the reason Kane was so messed up was because of his mother and father selling him to that rich man. All his life he was given money and never really had a normal childhood. He thought that love was money and that's why none of his marriages lasted. I also think he was looking for his childhood the whole time and could never find it. I think he knew it to that's why he said, "If I wouldn't have been so rich, I might have been a very good man."


  1. I like your story of Citizen Kane. However, i disagree with your rating of the movie. I watched the movie and had a hard time staying awake.Also the ending was horrible!!! I don't understand how you can give it a 4 out of five stars. i would have given it at least a 3 or lower.

  2. You did a wonderful job describing and explaining the movie and I commend you on that. If I had read this review before seeing the movie I maybe would have wanted to watch it. But having seen it I will pass on that.

  3. Great. Well done and with good details. Good to see your personal voice right away. If you are using outside sources, please cite them.
