Friday, October 23, 2009

The Graduate Movie Review

"This whole idea seems half-baked." Is how Ben's dad reacts to one of Ben's ideas. I find this quote funny because I feel like all of Ben's actions are "half baked" and come back to haunt him. I rated this movie 3.5 stars out of 5. I enjoyed this movie because of the steamy affair and it becomes a great love story at the end. I also thought Dustin Hoffman did a great job playing Ben, it would be very hard to act so awkward and Hoffman did it very well. The director used water for many symbols. Like an ecscape for Ben from the world, or when it rained, something bad would happen.

The Graduate started out with Ben, a track star that had just finished college, being questioned by all these adults what he was going to do with his life. It was obvious that Ben had no idea what he was going to do and I could feel his stress and annoyance. Ben was also the most awkward person I've ever seen. It made me feel uncomfortable and I really didn't feel like watching his awkwardness any more. This is the only part I really didn't like about the movie.

Mrs. Robinson first seems interested in Ben when she asks him to bring her home from Ben's parents' party. When Ben drops her off, she asks him to stay and have a drink with her inside. Mrs. Robinson starts making suddle moves on Ben and when he finally picks up on it he gets freaked out and leaves. A few days later, Ben changes his mind about Mrs. Robinson and they start the affair. While this is going on Ben is distancing from his family and becoming less awkward and more of a man. When the affair started becoming a daily thing Mrs. Robinson's daughter comes to town and Ben's parents make them go on a date. Mrs. Robinson is not pleased, and she ends the affair. Ben finds himself falling in love with Mrs. Robinson's daughter, Elaine. But just when things are going great for Ben, the Robinson's send Elaine away without telling Ben. Will Ben chase after Elaine or let her go and find another woman? Why did Ben change his mind and have an affair with Mrs. Robinson? Will Mr. Robinson find out?

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